Accepted - Journal of Economic History, forthcoming, Sept.2024 . Working paper 

Awarded the 2021 EHS prize for Best New Researcher Paper. 

Abstract: This paper examines the international role of sterling during the Bretton Woods era and challenges the view of a competition between dollar and sterling after WWII. I construct a new dataset on the composition of foreign exchange reserves of European and sterling area monetary authorities. The postwar reserve role of sterling was limited to the sterling area and was artificial as this area was built as a captive market. I document the exchange controls, commercial threats and economic sanctions employed by the British authorities on sterling area countries to constrain them to keep their foreign exchange reserves in sterling.

Media coverage: The Long Run

Presentations: LEAP seminar, ASSA 2022, 2021 Economic History Workshop - Princeton, 2021 Oxford graduate Economic History seminar, 2021 seminar of financial and business history, Paris School of Economics, 2021 EHS conference, 2020, Research Seminar of the Queen's University Centre for Economic History, Belfast, 2020 LSE Graduate Economic History Seminar - London, EHS NRS Online. 2019 Research seminar – Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien, 2019 CEB Brown bag seminar – ULB. 

Published in A. Alvarez, V. Bignon, M. Shizume and A. Ögren (eds). Money Doctors Around the Globe: A historical Perspective, Springer 2024.

Abstract: In the early sixties, Jacques Rueff campaigned against the Bretton Woods system, urging the termination of the U.S. dollar’s international reserve role. He encouraged French president Charles de Gaulle to publicly advocate the abandonment of the gold exchange standard. However, among de Gaulle’s inner circle, André de Lattre tried to persuade the President to cooperate with the U.S. in safeguarding the stability of the international monetary system. This chapter presents the trajectories of these two money doctors and their endeavor to sway de Gaulle’s perspective.

Dissertation summary published in European Review of Economic History  (2023).   

Published in Revue de l'OFCE  (2014): 193-241. Pre-doctoral publication, with Henri Sterdyniak. 


Joint work with Vincent Bignon

Abstract: This paper uses a historical study to show a solution to the trade-off faced by central banks between providing liquidity to a broad group of financial intermediaries and the risk that this easy access may fuel moral hazard. In late 19th century the Bank of France operates a very wide discount window and uses a variety of risk management techniques to effectively subdue risk-taking behaviors and to protect its balance sheet from taking any loss. This allows agents to monetize a very diverse set of capital while limiting the risk of bail-out. We show that this effectively helps the central bank to stabilize the economy from the consequences of negative income shocks.  

CEPR Discussion paper 13556

Media coverage: Vox column ; LSE Business Review 

Presentations: 2022 Atlanta Fed Monetary and Financial history workshop, 2019 EHES conference, 2019 French Economic Association conference, 2019 PhD Day – University of Geneva, 2018 Historiales, 2018 CEPR Symposium, 2018 World Economic History Congress, 2017 Economic History Society annual conference.

Joint work with Vincent Bignon and Clemens Jobst

Abstract: This paper studies the spread of banks during the first industrial revolution in France. We show that, starting in the 1820s, the banking sector expands quickly and, in the 1830s, locates significantly more in industrializing district, i.e. in districts with more steam engines and patents, than in less industrializing districts. This result is robust to the inclusion of geographical, institutional and other economic controls. This is consistent with the idea that banks seized the opportunity of financing the engines of growth of the French economy.

Presentations: Vienna's  Wirtschafts und Sozialgeschichte conference, April 2021, and EBHS Salt Lake City, May 2022, AFSE Paris, June 2023, EHES Vienna 2023. 


Banking and Monetary History: 

History of Economics: 


"The historical rise of the Swiss franc as an international reserve currency", Current Affairs in Perspective, 7, (2021). (available here)

Review essay: “The international monetary system against the bitcoin.” Etudes Internationales, 48.3-4 (2017): 511-522. (available here)

Book reviews: Pierre Pénet, Juan Flores Zendejas (éds), Sovereign Debt Diplomacies: Rethinking Sovereign Debt from Colonial Empires to Hegemony, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2021, 384 pages, Revue d’Histoire Suisse, (2023), Vol. 73, 2023, Nr. 3. (available here

Olivier Feiertag et Margairaz Michel (dir.) Les banques centrales et l’État-nation Paris, Sciences Po les Presses, 2016, 698 p. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, (2021), 76(1), 211-213 (available here)


Published in Fabula-LhT, issue ‘Inventer l’économie’, (2022) Avec Mathilde Roussigné.

Présentation: séminaire Fictions & Économie de PHARE (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne).